CRank: 5Score: 49820

It is tough, I played this sleeper hit when it first came out in 2005 on the original Xbox, it was my favorite game on the original Xbox.

Playing it on hard settings is the way to go IMO, most rewarding, I loved the challenge. It will get tougher too, but it actually gets better too, really diverse and fresh, new angles to the game play and new settings all the time...

I also love the term "Oddworld Quintology. Plus one.".... I cannot wait to see t...

4195d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

A Naughty Dog with 4 teams has a nice ring to it. The last of us is going to be something special, that's pretty clear, I cannot wait to hear the details on MP and more info on the campaign mode.

I wonder what the other team is working on? (Uncharted 4?) Perhaps at E3 after The last of us gets released we shall hear something?

Perhaps when the "other" game gets released and it along with Last of us are great success's we can get a 4 team Na...

4196d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

My top two, a true tie.....

Far cry 3...Really some kind of fun and all the while beautiful and a standout among other games of 2012...

Journey.... For the obvious reasons, plus it's *sheer guts* to do something outside of the box...and succeed!

4200d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Link here explains whats up at this point.... Fall 13' release, some changes, and lots of improvements.

I am still looking forward to the new IP beyond this however even more so...

4202d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will agree that Project cars looks fantastic! And still not totally polished.

Lost planet 3 also does look very good to great. as for the gameplay that is still up in the air for me.

I think the best lookers at this time keeping in mind there is still time for extra polish....

Not in order...

Watch Dogs
starwars 1313
metro: last light
crysis 3

consoles list not in order : <...

4206d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another great thing about this game beyond the actual playing of it is that when this game does great/fantastic, other studios will get the clue and create more like this. More games like this are needed!

4207d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubble up for you...

Very well said, I agree with you totally.... We want the Dark Souls experience, discovery and exploration is vital...

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Enhance the wonderful formula, expand upon the winning aspects...Keep to the roots!

I hope the next game can retain it's integrity, heart and soul, if not it will be a real loss...

4207d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Donkey kong 64 sequel would be something special, for some reason I think we will see the day of it's return. Time splitters 4 could be a reality too.

Another Oddworld game within the Oddworld universe is coming. Beyond good and evil 2 is also in the works....So as for 5 that may not ever come?

Dark cloud


another Legend of Dragoon 2

Panzer dragoon

Another wind walker

4208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the word "generic" needs a picture next to it in the dictionary these shots would do great...

Uninspiring, run of the mill, **cookie cutter, as "inside" of the box as it gets...Where is any creativity, style, nothing interesting, nothing with a hook, just ....meh!

There strengths are not being put into proper usage here. R&C have been turned into cash cows and now this?

I hope they are not the next Rare?

4209d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes confirmed ....Watch Dogs is schedule to launch in 2013 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. “Watch Dogs will be coming next year,” Guillemot said, in reference to the AAA titles Ubisoft has scheduled for 2013.



4211d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes confirmed ....Watch Dogs is schedule to launch in 2013 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. “Watch Dogs will be coming next year,” Guillemot said, in reference to the AAA titles Ubisoft has scheduled for 2013.



4211d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The last of us and watch dogs are a couple that really have me itching to get my hands on them.

And what of any possible yet unannounced next gen games, if they do indeed make it in 13"?

I am still in hopes of a "miracle" announcement of the "last guardian" for 13", will just keep waiting, and waiting, but am still in high hopes for it.

Another is "Media molecule's" new IP they have talked of. I ca...

4211d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is viral for MGS Ground Zeroes. The dev doesn't exist online.
That Mullet? HAS to be Kojima. LOL!

4215d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

A more detailed in-depth look into Destiny perhaps?

Maybe Watch dogs will get a major showcase?

I would love to see the next Oddworld game be shown off, but, that's a way's off I am afraid.

Perhaps **Media Molecule** will show off there new IP> But that will probably have to wait until the PS4 is unveiled. And that maybe the problem with any new surprise showing, many of the incredible new games are being made at this time for the ...

4216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't believe it will be a shooter, with the Gears and halo series they pretty much have the shooters down pat. But still you never know....But odds are higher it will be a different genre, which it should be.

In a perfect World it will be something along the lines of a platformer, with charm, creativity, style, and a toon based caricature driven look.

Perhaps a Uncharted act/adv clone?

If it were me I would go for a Zelda action/RPG, a...

4218d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything about ODDWORLD = WIN for me. The look, game play the A.I> is way ahead of it's time. It has aged really well, but with this new HD update the game will be even better visually.

I cannot wait for the new game to appear, it's been almost 8 year's since Strangers wrath, a top 5 original XBOX game for me.

Anyone that has missed this game should really look into getting this, it's a true classic in my book...

4221d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want it too very much! And an all new Mario 3D would go with it very nicely. Zelda's Wii U demo also is something high on my most wanted list.

4223d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing else? Are you kidding me? Common there has to be something? I know I have a nice long list.

By the way I did not disagree with you, as you have every right to feel the way you do...But common pick another game just for fun...

My list for the first 3 Months...May add more if they become available. These games will probably spread into April/June...

Gears of War: Judgment
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

4225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes the “regenerative” health is a major loss. The tension and desperation aspect is taken out.

I am still looking forward to this title very much.

I sure hope they show or have planned more of what we all loved about the old school original TR games. The exploration puzzle solving, and they make the jumps and climbing a task not a point and move fest.

No swimming or underwater cavern searching wil also be missed.

I think the...

4227d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I totally agree! I would support this in a flash. We need games like this. How some games get the green light, and then games /series like this get no support is mind-boggling...

I sure hope this sees the light of day someday, if not it will be a real shame...

4228d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment